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  • Writer's pictureOperation Feeding Temple

St Vincent de Paul Receives Grants

Updated: Sep 26, 2019

St. Vincent de Paul was awarded two monetary grants from the City of Temple in July, 2019. The first grant was for approximately $10,000 for the purchase of increased freezer space, which will be used to store meat and other frozen products for the food pantry. 

The second grant was for approximately $6,000, which will be used to purchase a clothing baler for the many pounds of clothing that are donated to St. Vincent.  Once baled, the clothing is sold to a wholesale merchant, and the sales proceeds are used to support the operation of the food pantry.  

St. Vincent’s also received a monetary donation of $500, which was to be used to assist children.  These funds were donated to assist in the purchase of hygiene back packs for children attending Temple Independent School District.

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